
What Equipment Does Every Primary Care Physician Need

Doctors and medical clinics must be well-equipped to handle the unique needs of many different patients. Whether you are starting a new medical facility or updating your current office, here are some of the most common equipment that you will need:


This medical tool has been used for many years as a way to examine the respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems. While some doctors are still using traditional stethoscopes, many experts are moving to high-tech solutions. These modern stethoscopes can cancel background noise and amplify various physiological sounds at the same time.

Blood Pressure Cuff

Taking a patient’s blood pressure can offer the doctor important insights. Every doctor needs accurate blood pressure readings before they can start any type of treatment protocol. For example, certain types of medication cannot be administered to patients with high blood pressure. So, blood pressure measurement is an essential step in determining an ideal treatment plan.


When treating wounds, sterile gauze and other types of bandages are needed to promote healing. These medical materials protect the wound, prevent infection, and stop the bleeding at the same time. Types of bandages include gauze, triangular, tube, and compression – all of which offer different benefits, depending on the type of wound being treated.

Hypodermic Needles

When a patient is dehydrated and needs rapid fluid resuscitation, then a hypodermic needle can be essential to avoid complications. Additionally, these needles are helpful for fast administration of medications, especially when a patient has metabolic issues or there is a risk of vomiting the medications. Every hospital and medical clinic should have a stock of sterile hypodermic needles.


Cardiac arrest is common, and doctors need tools to offer efficient treatment. CPR only provides temporary support. The best way to restore normal heart rhythms is by using a defibrillator. This treatment can help a person survive a heart attack. A defibrillator can sometimes be the difference between life and death.

Other Basic Diagnostic Equipment

Many doctors also have a variety of other diagnostic equipment in their examination rooms:

  • Thermometers
  • Reflex hammers
  • Pulse oximeters
  • Otoscopes
  • Eye charts
  • Blood test kits

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

It’s no surprise that healthcare settings can be full of various germs and illnesses. Doctors and nurses need a way to protect themselves from potentially hazardous conditions and diseases. Personal protective equipment minimizes the risk of contracting microbes and toxins. Gloves and a face mask are the basics of PPE, but there are times when full body suits might be required for high-risk cases.

Written by Becki Andrus

The team at Burger Physical Therapy is ready to help you feel like your best self again. Get in touch to learn more about available services today!

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