Our evaluations include job analyses, office ergonomics consulting and training. Many of Californian’s largest employers rely upon our consultants and therapy clinics for their occupational health needs. We offer preplacement physical ability testing and physical therapy to workplace accommodations.
Our ergonomic and risk management consultants include licensed clinicians with extensive training and experience in occupational health. Certified ergonomists, hand therapists, physical therapists and other health and safety consultants are all part of our risk management team.
To schedule and ergonomic evaluation please pay here: https://squareup.com/store/burgerrehab/
Staffing Services
We can solve your staffing shortages or needs. By providing Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists and/or Assistants who are qualified for your specific environment. We can contract for daily, short term or long term assignments. Quality of service, technical skill and productivity are our top priorities. If you have staffing needs, please email Jobs@BurgerRehab.com
Organization Training
We employ a diverse group of qualified trainers in almost any area you might be interested in or need. A California recognized provider for CEUs for Nursing Home Administrators, RNs, LVNs, Nursing Assistants. Including continued education and training we provide for Physical, Occupational, Speech Therapists and Assistants.
We can provide training on site or through the internet. Some of our training programs include but are not limited to: