Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about Burger? Please see our answers below to some common questions. Of course, if you still have questions, please contact us. We’ll be happy to get your questions answered.

  1. Why choose to come to Burger?
  2. What can I expect during my first visit?
  3. What do I need to bring with me?
  4. How should I dress?
  5. How long will each treatment last?
  6. Why can the Initial Evaluation last shorter than a follow up treatment?
  7. How do you store my records and communicate with my Doctor?
  8. Do you call to remind me of my appointments?
  9. Will I get relief from my first visit?
  10. How many visits will I need?
  11. Why is physical therapy a good choice?
  12. What do physical therapists do?
  13. Why are people referred to physical / occupational therapy?
  14. Who pays for the treatment?
  15. Can you tell me what my co-pay or financial obligation will be?
  16. Who will I be treated by?
  17. Are there physical / occupational therapy specialists?
  18. Why choose Physical / Occupational Therapy vs. Chiropractic?
  19. Are Physical / Occupational therapy painful?
  20. What types of treatments will I receive?
  21. Will I get a massage at physical therapy?
  22. What happens if my problem or pain returns?
  23. Can I go to any physical therapy clinic?
  24. Can I go directly to my physical therapist? Do I need to see my Doctor first?
  25. Can my therapist provide me with a diagnosis?
  26. How does the billing process work?
  27. What will I have to do after physical therapy?
  28. Is my therapist licensed?
  29. What is your privacy policy?