Tag Archives: back pain

Shed Those Pounds Safely! Advice For Seniors  

Whatever your age, it’s never too late to get in better shape! Doctors say that getting to a healthy weight should be a priority at every age; however, there are some special concerns for people over fifty when they need to lose a few pounds. Here, the health monitoring experts at Burger Physical Therapy shares … Continue reading

July 3, 2022 Health & Wellness, Physical Therapy

Women’s Health Issues & Their Therapeutic Treatments

For half the population, there are a variety of gender-related health issues that can wreak havoc on a woman’s body. As women age or go through major life events like giving birth, there are various ailments and health issues that can emerge. Below, we discuss some of the most common female-specific health issues and the … Continue reading

March 31, 2022 Health & Wellness, Physical Therapy

Therapeutic Taping in Physical Therapy: What It Is & How It Works

What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions therapeutic taping? Many people think of first aid taping used to stabilize an injury until more appropriate medical treatment can be obtained. Others might remember a broken toe that was taped to others to prevent reinjury while healing… Continue reading

March 23, 2022 Physical Therapy