VibroAcoustic Therapy for Physical Health

Tuning fork in sound therapy
The connection between therapy and vibrations may be unknown for most people but VibroAcoustic therapy (VAT), also known as a deep cellular massage, is the art of emitting gentle vibrations that can repair the body at a cellular level. This therapy type can help relieve pain, reduce tension, and improve energy through music received by the body as soft vibrations. Many institutions and therapists have adopted VAT across the globe, and this therapeutic system that’s rooted in ancient healing practices continues to bring healing and relief to humanity thousands of years later.
VibroAcoustic Therapy Origins
Norwegian scientist, therapist, musician, and educator Olav Skille, is the mastermind behind this revolutionary therapeutic technique. Skille spent 25 years researching and developing VAT and studying human musical interactions. His first work in this arena emerged in 1968, and since then, Skille’s VAT techniques have been utilized by therapists and in nursing homes, hospitals, spas, addiction centers, and beyond. Skille also created three universal principles:
- High hertz values can cause stress, while low hertz values can reduce stress
- Rhythmically strong music can increase energy, and rhythmically neutral music commonly decreases energy
- Music played at a high amplitude activates the body, and soft or low amplitude sounds pacify the body
The Science Behind VAT
Biology is the core of VAT, and the principles of vibration have been used in different forms across the globe for thousands of years. Drums, chanting, gongs, and many other methods of creating vibrations were commonly used in ancient healing sessions, and these same techniques have been harnessed by VAT in the modern age. VAT is grounded in the principle that the body is in a constant vibrational state at different frequencies. Balancing these frequencies is then the key to restoration and overall wellness.
Since VATs arrival, many prominent scientists have explored VAT and applied techniques to treat specific ailments such as cerebral injury, neurophysiological conditions, chronic pain, and many other illnesses. Scientists reaffirmed Skille’s findings and found that vibrations successfully interact with neuromuscular structures in the body. Increased neural drive to muscles can increase muscle mass and strength in persons with cerebral palsy when alpha-motor neurons are stimulated.
How it’s Used in Physical Therapy
VAT used in a physical therapy setting uses customized speakers called transducers to transmit low frequencies into the ears through headphones that then move throughout the body. The body receives these sounds as vibrations, and vibrotactile input stimulates the spine, brainstem, and limbic system. The result is often a feeling of calm, comfort, and euphoria. The past 40+ years of VAT research have shown that VAT is a highly effective tool that can increase the quality of life and help relieve everyday mental and physical ailments from medicinal side effects to anxiety, stress, and depression.