
Simple Lifestyle Changes for Better Wellness

If you want to pursue a healthier lifestyle, start with habits that are sustainable. Even small changes can lead to significant improvements to your overall health. If you’ve been reluctant to make lifestyle changes because you’re intimidated by the prospect, don’t be! You are likely to have more success and better health long-term if you incorporate simple alterations into your regular routine and work towards your lifestyle goals gradually, step by step.

Start by tracking what you eat.

When you aren’t paying attention to food consumption, you make choices that are less healthy. Pay attention to your diet, meals, and snacking schedule, and pinpoint habits that need to be changed. Are you eating too many sugary snacks? Are you neglecting to consume fruits and vegetables? Target your problem areas and switch unhelpful habits for better ones. Instead of snacking for stress relief, go for a walk. Replace your greasy burger lunch with a salad or veggie wrap.

Plan your meals in advance.

It’s a lot easier to eat healthy if you have the ingredients for wholesome meals readily at hand. Create a menu for the week and make sure your fridge and pantry are stocked with everything you need to concoct nutritious, tasty dishes. This will take some of the stress out of meal prep, and you won’t end up throwing together boxed mac and cheese or chicken fingers as a last resort. Look for recipes that are easy and don’t take up much time, so improving your eating doesn’t feel like a chore.

Walk when you can.

Even if you don’t have time to fit in a workout every day, make a point of adding more steps to your ordinary routine. This might be as simple as parking a little further from work or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. When you take a work break, go for a walk instead of sitting and scrolling on your device. When you have short errands to run, see if you can do them on foot rather than driving or using public transportation. If you have a dog, take them for a walk.

Limit alcohol intake.

Previous studies regarding the health benefits of alcohol may have been exaggerated. More recent evidence suggests that drinking less alcohol is linked to better overall health and longer life expectancy. This doesn’t mean you have to cut all alcohol out of your diet. Save it for special occasions or to treat yourself. Instead of your favorite wine, beer, or cocktail, sample some fruit-infused waters and non-alcoholic seltzers. Limiting alcohol intake not only benefits your health, it can also give you a more youthful appearance and aid in weight loss.

Stay hydrated.

Cutting down on alcohol will also help you maintain good hydration. Drinking enough water is essential for all aspects of physical and mental wellness. When you are dehydrated your digestion suffers, kidney function may be impaired and you feel sluggish. Not getting enough water also can make you irritable and unfocused. To remind yourself to hydrate, it helps to set an alarm on your device. Fill a water bottle at the beginning of each day, and make sure you’ve consumed all of it — at the very least — by evening.

Avoid stress triggers.

Whether it’s the daily news, an irritating social media feed, or an overly critical colleague, know what experiences ramp up your stress and try to avoid them. If work-related stress is constant, or if your work is no longer rewarding, this might be one area where big changes can be helpful: ask yourself whether you are ready for a career change. You may even want to go back to school for more classes or training or get an online degree in a new field.

Making healthy changes can seem daunting, but if you start small, you’ll probably find that most of these lifestyle alterations are not at all hard. Some may even be enjoyable. Over time as you see and feel a difference this may motivate you to incorporate more good habits into your routine.

If you are seeking services in rehab or physical therapy, contact the professionals at Burger Physical Therapy.

Image via Pixabay

June 18, 2021 Patient Resources