

If the current storm clouds of the pandemic have a silver lining for physical therapy telehealth is it. Telehealth isn’t exactly a new concept. One of the earliest and most famous uses of hospital-based telemedicine was in the late 1950s and early 1960s when a closed-circuit television link was established between the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute and Norfolk State Hospital for psychiatric consultations.[i] What is new is the increased usage of telehealth services and the possibilities that this increase offers.

Traditionally, physical therapy takes place in a clinic but as the name implies telehealth takes place digitally. Applications for smartphones and computers allow the face to face conversations between therapists and patients. This direct visual contact has several perks for the ongoing treatment plan. For those patients who are at risk of falling, telehealth allows the therapist to see potential trip hazards in the home. Therapists are also able to see the specific home equipment that a patient owns and work with patients to further reinforce home exercise programs. In addition to this troubleshooting, Telehealth is an extremely safe method of conducting appointments for those who are at risk from weakened immune systems. Beyond these applications telehealth even helps with certain logistical situations. By utilizing telehealth patients who have children might find it easier to be consistent in their appointments even if they cannot find a babysitter. Telehealth can also alleviate the stresses of travel. Not every patient has the advantage of living down the street from their physical therapist but with telehealth, those patients, especially in rural areas, can receive the consistency of care that they might expect from weekly therapy appointments all from the comfort of their living room.

We have yet to determine how to mobilize a joint via webcam and until we do there will be some things that telehealth just can’t address. Telehealth still has limitations and isn’t going to be the answer to everyone’s needs but Burger is proud to offer it as one of our services. Patient safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. We may not know what the future holds but one thing is sure, telehealth is here to stay.


August 7, 2020 Company News, Patient Resources